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Generating a URL with the SDK

The SDK can generate a URL that is launched by a browser mechanism (for example, a link or button on web, or a webview, or linking on mobile) as an alternative to integrating Coinbase Onramp through initOnRamp.

generateOnRampURL Example

import { generateOnRampURL } from "@coinbase/cbpay-js";

const onRampURL = generateOnRampURL({
appId: "1dbd2a0b94",
destinationWallets: [
{ address: "0xabcdef", blockchains: ["solana"] }
{ address: "0x123456", assets: ["ETH", "USDC"] }

You can use a generated URL to launch a new tab, webview, etc., with either the provided buttons or text.

<a href={onRampURL} target="_blank">Coinbase Onramp</a>

generateOnRampURL Parameters

The following table outlines the parameters supported in the generateOnRampURL function:

destinationWalletsNoDestinationWallet[]Array of DestinationWallet objects which define blockchain types (blockchains) and destination addresses (address).

Format: {address: string; blockchains?: string[]; assets?: string[]; supportedNetworks?: string[]}[]

Required if you are not using the Onramp Session Token API.
appIdNoStringUnique short-string ID provided to partners by the Coinbase Onramp team

Required if you are not using the Onramp Session Token API.
defaultNetworkNoStringDefault network that should be selected when multiple networks are present
presetCryptoAmountNoNumberPreset crypto amount value.
presetFiatAmountNoNumberPreset fiat amount value (for USD, CAD, GBP, EUR only). Ignored if presetCryptoAmount is also set.
defaultExperienceNo'send', 'buy'Default visual experience: either (1) Transfer funds from Coinbase ('send') or (2) Buy assets ('buy')
handlingRequestedUrlsNobooleanPrevents the widget from opening URLs directly & relies on onRequestedUrl entirely for opening links
partnerUserIdNoStringUnique ID representing the client app user. Must be less than 50 chars. Use with the Transaction Status API to retrieve transactions made during the session.
sessionTokenNoStringToken generated by the Onramp Session Token API.

All transactions made during the session are linked to partnerUserId which can be used with the Transaction Status API to retrieve these transactions later.

DestinationWallet Parameters

A DestinationWallet object accepts the following parameters:

addressYesStringDestination address where the purchased tokens will be sent.
blockchainsNoString[]List of blockchains enabled for the associated address. All tokens available per blockchain are displayed to the user. Available blockchains are: ethereum, avalanche-c-chain, solana.
assetsNoString[]List of assets enabled for the associated address. They are appended to the available list of tokens for the user to buy or send.
supportedNetworksNoString[]Restrict the networks available for the associated assets.

Subscribing to Widget Events

You can manually process widget events on web & React Native, as follows:

yarn add react-native-url-polyfill
React-Native Example
import React, { useMemo } from 'react'
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview'
import { generateOnRampURL } from '@coinbase/cbpay-js'
import 'react-native-url-polyfill/auto'

const CoinbaseWebView = ({ currentAmount }) => {
const coinbaseURL = useMemo(() => {
const options = {
appId: 'your_app_id',
destinationWallets: [
address: destinationAddress,
blockchains: ['solana', 'ethereum'],
handlingRequestedUrls: true,
presetCryptoAmount: currentAmount,

return generateOnRampURL(options)
}, [currentAmount, destinationAddress])

const onMessage = useCallback((event) => {
// Check for Success and Error Messages here
try {
const { data } = JSON.parse(;
if (data.eventName === 'request_open_url') {
} catch (error) {
}, [])

return (
<WebView source={{ uri: coinbaseURL }} onMessage={onMessage} />

export default CoinbaseWebView

See Also:

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